Litigation Finance Fund Launches With $345M, Industry Veterans

Chicago-based litigation finance firm GLS Capital is formally launching with $345 million in capital commitments to invest in lawsuits.

Divided SCOTUS Skeptical of Driver’s Fourth Amendment Claim (2)

U.S. Supreme Court justices were skeptical of a Kansas man’s argument that police violated the Fourth Amendment when they pulled him over, in a case that government officials warn has big public safety implications, while defense and other advocacy groups raise social justice and privacy concerns.

SCOTUS Sneak Peek: Car Stops, Blackbeard, Clean Water (PODCAST)

The first week of the U.S. Supreme Court’s November oral argument session features an array of important disputes, ranging from the Fourth Amendment to the Clean Water Act and others in between, including immigration and a copyright case stemming from the pirate Blackbeard’s flagship the Queen Anne’s Revenge.